How to Send Long Videos on WhatsApp?

How to Send Long Videos on WhatsApp

Have you ever failed to send long videos to others on WhatsApp? This might be frustrating when you need to share a video that is too long however, in this guide we have provided you with some effective ways to help you share your fun moments as videos despite being longer in size.

Understanding WhatsApp Video Size Limit

The video limit in WhatsApp is specified by the app itself however it may vary based on the internet connection used for sharing videos on WhatsApp.

Faster Internet Connection: If you have a fast internet connection, you can send videos up to 64MB in size with 480p resolution in WhatsApp. The maximum video length will be about 6 minutes.

Slower Internet Connection: If you have slow internet, then you can only send video of 32 MB at 360p resolution. The maximum length of videos in WhatsApp will also be 6 minutes.

Send Long Videos on WhatsApp on Android and iPhone

Sending a long video on WhatsApp is a piece of cake. Therefore, here we have provided you with various ways that you can use to send any kind of video on WhatsApp no matter if you are an Android or an iPhone user.

For Android Users

If you are an Android user, then follow the given procedures to send your large videos on WhatsApp.

  • Direct Uploading
  • Using the Document Feature

By Direct Uploading

WhatsApp lets you send long videos in a regular way which means you do not have to perform any special procedure. Here is how you can directly upload your videos on WhatsApp and send them to others.

Step 1: All you need is to open the required chat to whom you want to send a long video and tap on the attachment icon.

Send Long Videos on WhatsApp on Android by Direct Uploading Step 1

Step 2: Go to the gallery and select the video.

Send Long Videos on WhatsApp on Android by Direct Uploading Step 2

Step 3: Tap on the send button and your video will be sent.

Send Long Videos on WhatsApp on Android by Direct Uploading Step 3

By Document Feature

With the help of the Document option, WhatsApp users can send their videos as documents up to 2GB.

Step 1: Open the required WhatsApp chat on your phone and tap on the attachment icon.

Send Long Videos on WhatsApp on Android by Document Feature Step 1

Step 2: Tap on the document option and select the desired video you want to send.

Send Long Videos on WhatsApp on Android by Document Feature Step 2

Step 3: Hit the send button and your regular video will be sent as a document.

Send Long Videos on WhatsApp on Android by Document Feature Step 3

For iPhone Users

If you are an iPhone user, then the same methods can be applied for sending long videos on WhatsApp. However, you may find some changes in the steps.

  • Direct Uploading
  • Using the Document Feature

Direct Uploading

You can directly upload a long video on WhatsApp and share it with others through the given steps:

  • Open the WhatsApp chat on your iPhone to whom you wish to send a long video.
  • Tap on the + icon and select the gallery option.
  • Find the required video and hit the send button.

Using the Document Feature

The document feature in WhatsApp lets you share your files without losing their quality. Here is how you can use this feature to send a large video on WhatsApp:

  • Open the required chat and tap on the + icon to select the document option.
  • Navigate to your video and select it to send.
  • Confirm the sending of your video as a document by tapping on the send button.
If you are worried that the file size of your video is too much then you can simply use cloud services for sending it to others. All you need is to upload the required video to the cloud storage and share the link to that video in WhatsApp.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I ensure faster uploading of large videos on WhatsApp?

Having a fast internet connection ensures quick uploading of your on WhatsApp. You can also quickly upload your large videos if they are compressed.

Will sending a video as a document affect its quality?

Sending a video as a document does not affect its quality. The receiver will get the video in its original quality.

Is there a time limit for videos sent as a document on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp does not have any duration limitations for sending videos as documents. All you need is to make sure that your document size does not exceed 2GB.


Now sharing your long videos on WhatsApp whether using Android or iPhone will never be a problem thanks to this guide. I hope you understand every procedure mentioned in this guide. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

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